Wednesday, December 22, 2010


A day, a month, a year are not that far...
If you take one step each day you will near.
Oceans, mainlands ajar are not so far.
Above you, myriad stars disappear
per second (yet sofar so safely far)

throughout this misanthropic multiverse,
and who would give a holy shit? We did
manage to keep all this long way perverse-
-ly sober in a fool´s bliss (God forbid,
if only a She or a He there is),

blissfully innocent thanks to self-poisoning.
Though, as far as we see, all there’s to see
lies beyond understandability.
No use for proud or pseudoanonyms:
will will only get you so far as apathy.

A bed, though wet, could make for it. Just mind
your one big step into unhumankind.
None’s to blame, all things have been so planned by fe-
-rocity − ruler of each single life
or piece of unlife that ever existed.

One step each day, first drop, a pond, then sea,
never being indulged into self-treachery.
Step by step, a habit, as a law, locks us.
... Yes, maybe too far, as far as I see,
for lab rats (like us) skilled in Skinner boxes.

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